Effect Internals

The Concept

Polychromatic considers effects to be either:

  • Hardware - Provided by the firmware or daemon. Usually persists between power cycles.
  • Software - Powered by Polychromatic. Requires the device’s driver/daemon to be running.

This page will detail the software kind. For hardware effects, see Devices.


Like with any RGB application, Polychromatic works with its own format for storing “software effects”. Polychromatic stores them as JSON files in ~/.config/polychromatic/effects/

Writing effects in this software will work on any supported backend where the device is capable of individually addressable LEDs.

Polychromatic v0.7.0 effects are known as Sequence.

Users previously running v0.3.12 will have their “application profiles” converted to this new format.

To edit effects, use the Controller application, or manually according to the spec. The Controller does not need to be installed to run them.

For playback, polychromatic-helper runs as a process per device. To avoid two processes controlling the device at the same time, lock files are placed in the run directory (based on the XDG spec, which is usually /run/user/$PID/polychromatic).

Common Metadata

All effects use JSON files to describe the effect and additional data depending on the type of effect.

Every effect starts with this common data:

    "name": "Example Effect",
    "name[fr_FR]": "Exemple d'effet",
    "type": 1,
    "author": "ghost",
    "author_url": "https://github.com/ghost",
    "icon": "ui/img/emblems/lamp.svg",
    "summary": "This is an example effect",
    "summary[fr_FR]": "Ceci est un exemple d'effet",
    "map_device": "Razer BlackWidow Chroma",
    "map_device_icon": "keyboard",
    "map_graphic": "blackwidow_m_keys_en_GB.svg",
    "map_cols": 22,
    "map_rows": 6,
    "save_format": 8,
    "revision": 1,
Key Data Type Purpose
name str Name of effect (English)
name[fr] str Name of effect (other language, e.g. fr)
type int Internal effect type
author str Full name or username of creator
author_url str Optional URL to author, e.g. GitHub profile
icon str Relative path to icon (from data directory or user’s custom_icons folder), or absolute path to a custom icon.
summary str Brief description (English)
summary[fr] str Brief description (other language, e.g. fr)
map_device str Name of the device that will play this effect.
map_device_icon str Form factor icon representing this device (data/img/devices/ folder)
map_graphic str Filename of the mapping graphic to use when editing this effect. For a grid, leave empty.
map_cols int Number of columns in this mapping.
map_rows int Number of rows in this mapping.
save_format int Internal save version. Should not be changed.
revision int Author’s version number of the effect. Incrementing this helps identify updates from the original.

All fields are required.

More data is specified depending on the type of effect:

Localisation keys are optional and is intended to be used in a future update where a facility will allow you to upload/download effects created by other users.

Map Graphics

The editor will show a graphic to help visually map your effect to the hardware where available. If your device doesn’t have one, the grid will be used. See Device Maps & Graphics for details on how to create the SVG.

A device’s matrix can be directly tested via the Controller. Choose the device from the Devices tab, click Device Info and then Test Matrix.

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